Understanding & Implementing Storage Performance Analysis

Published On: 19th February 2018Tags:

Is your storage up to scratch?

How do you know if your storage infrastructure is performing at its best? Or, do you know how under-utilized your infrastructure is? Getting an accurate read on what your organization actually needs, against what your infrastructure currently provides, is critical to ensure an efficient, cost-effective storage architecture. Under-provision, and you’ll quickly find performance impacted and complaints heading your way. Over-provision, and you’ll discover there’s no budget left for all the other must-do projects on your list.

The answer: storage performance analysis

We’ve written this white paper to try and assist storage engineers and architects in optimizing their storage infrastructure to their specific requirements, whether implementing a new solution as part of a refresh, performing an upgrade, or just analyzing an existing configuration. The information within the white paper should help you understand what should be measured, and how, and give you a starting point for performing your own storage analysis.

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